Throw Out The Solar Panel, Open The Window

I recently attended the Building Enclosure Council’s meeting on ‘Lessons Learned: A Net Zero Habitat For Humanity Home.’ This was a public meeting where they reviewed the data analysis gathered from the Net Zero Habitat home which was organized...

Workshops are Painful

Workshops are painful.   Workshops are hard. The planning, prepping, organizing, moving heavy materials, lugging salvaged cinder blocks from one place to another, shoveling sand and clay, teaching and talking nonstop for 2 days, running from tarp to tarp….and...

An All-Natural Classroom in Nicaragua

Last year, I went to Sabana Grande, Nicaragua to take part in a 2 week Natural Building workshop led by Liz Johndrow of Earthen Endeavors.  We lived and worked in a very small, rural village in northern Nicaragua.  In the workshop we worked with the women of the...