300 Years of Fossil Fuels in 300 Seconds

  produced by The Post Carbon Institute. Check out how we got to where we are and what we can do; it’s time for CHANGE!     Click here for the link:   300 YEARS OF FOSSIL FUELS IN 300 SECONDS   Natural Building is a form of building which is...

Holmes Inspection: Making Homes Right????

While mindlessly flipping through TV channels at my mother-in-law’s house the other night, I got caught by a show on HGTV called ‘Holmes Inspection.’  The featured show casts a tough looking builder guy with a crew cut and overalls, along with his trusty entourage of...

Earthen Oven Curried Vegetables & Slow Cooked Beans

Earthen Oven Veggies, Rice & Beans…Oh My!  What to do with all of this remaining heat you ask?  Well just keep on cookin’!!!  Practically anything you have in your fridge or cabinets you can cook in the earthen oven and this will provide you with good...